October 2024 Board Meeting

The Lake Jane Board of Trustees held a regular meeting on October 17, 2024.

Meeting Agenda

Meeting Minutes

The meeting minutes are reviewed and approved by the Board prior to posting.

Date: October 17, 2024, at 7:00 p.m.

Trustees: Peta Shepherd (Secretary), Dave Wolfe, Catherine Faux, Debbie Epperson, Stacy White

Others: Leland Faux (President), Anne-Marie Davidson (Vice President), Jay Sutton (Facility Manager), Heather Prater (Assistant Treasurer), Ashley DeGraffenreid (Executive Secretary)

Excused: Fred Wells, Laurie Albrecht (Treasurer)

Guest: Gerald Hartman

Meeting Location: Microsoft Teams

President Leland Faux called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.

Good of the Order (ie: Open Forum)

(President Leland Faux)

Dave Wolfe discussed NW Aquatics inspection in September and future lake treatments.


Old Business

  • Secure Mail Drop Box Installation update (Facility Manager): Planning to put it together and install it next week.
  • Trespassing Issues (Facility Manager): Moving forward with the card access gate device. I am working with Melissa and the Tapps crew to identify the cost, procedures, etc. I will have more information once the meetings happen, and once I receive the devices.

New Business

  • Discuss Rule 6 enforcement: No signs shall be posted on any tract except with the written approval of the Lake Jane Estates Board of Trustees, except real estate signs (6 months), and garage & moving sales, etc., which all must be dated (7days): The Board discussed Rule 6 and changed the words Garage and Moving Sales to read Community Events. No other changes were made, the Board agreed that members cannot display advertising signs for businesses in their yard, but signs can be hung on houses.


Facilities Manager

  • Monthly Report: Overview: Trespasser reports and sightings have slowed down, but I am still on watch. I am back on my feet to the point that I am back to my usual duties. I’m not 100% but I have been given the green light to go day to day as usual. Thank you for your patience and support. Dyllan will be on standby for now, but I think his support will no longer be needed.
  • Upper Park: Moles are here but in a limited spread-out fashion, way better than last year but I am still going after them with an aggressive approach. I want to limit their opportunities to mass forces. There have been a few occurrences of vehicle donuts in the parking lot, I am covering it as best I can and it will be better when the gates close at 6pm in November. I will continue to drag the baseball field and treat for the weeds that keep popping up.
  • Pool: The pool is all prepared for winter and I will be doing some maintenance on plumbing and the overall facility before it gets too cold to include the outside faucet that has been leaking.
  • Lower Park: There are a few moles hills here too and I will stay on top of it to ensure we limit the occurrences the best we can. I will be doing some maintenance on the shrubs, parking lot and gate to prep for winter to ensure we have a manageable situation after winter.
  • Lake: The lake is filling up but now I will be on overflow watch and keeping the drain clear of debris. I have been looking into adding to our Carp population. Our Carp are getting old and lazy to go along with a couple of deaths that I know about. They are vital to the habitat of the lake, and we need to keep our population healthy. Once I have more information I will share it with the board.


  • Board Meeting Minutes from September 19, 2024, were approved. MSC
  • Due to changing full-time jobs, the Secretary will be stepping down at the end of 2024, the Board will need to find a replacement before the end of the calendar year.


  • Financial Reports for August 2024 were approved. MSC
  • BOI has to be submitted to the Department of Treasury by December 31, 2024. INFO


  •  Nothing to report.

Vice President

  • Nothing to report.

Pool Committee

  • The survey results are compiled and will be sent out soon. It was a great season. Debbie will be stepping down since it is her son’s Senior Year of High School and very busy. The Pool Committee needs a replacement.

Park Committee

  • Nothing to report.

Lake Committee

  • Dave has been in contact with the treatment company. Recommends treatment in 2025, no concerns noted. They feel the treatment went well. Spot survey and assessment could be done for $750, but we are getting into the darker months so there will be less vegetation growth. Proposed not doing spot treatment and wait until next summer. We don’t have any milfoil currently in the lake. The Board agreed with the proposed direction.

Meeting adjourned at 7:51 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Ashley DeGraffenreid.

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