Interested in advertising in the next Lake Jane Estates Newsletter?
Commercial advertising in Lake Jane Estates’ printed newsletter will be distributed to over 400 community residents and homeowners. The Newsletter is published approximately four times a year and distributed on or around the 20th of that month (March, June, September, December). 

Approximate dimensions for an advertisement is 3.5†x 2†(business card size).
Anyone with a legal business is allowed to advertise. Members who wish to advertise, must be in good standing, which includes membership assessments/dues being current. Additional restrictions apply including no adult media services and no illegal services. Liability of services is solely the service providers and should indemnify Lake Jane Estates and its residents and release all liability. All ads will be approved by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors has the right to deny any ads they feel don’t meet the views of the community.
Commercial ads are available on a first-come, first-served basis and on a space available basis. Advertisements submitted must conform to the above stated dimensions or fit reasonably within them. The ad must be submitted in electronic (PDF, JPG, BMP, TIFF) format.
Payment of $75 per ad per newsletter must be by check or money order and made out to Lake Jane Estates. At the discretion of the Board, payment may be labor and/or supplies of equivalent monetary value.
Ads and payment are due before the end of the month prior to publication (February, May, August, November).
If you wish to place an advertisement in the Lake Jane Estates newsletter, please download this form – COMMERCIAL AD POLICY AND APPLICATION . You will then be contacted by a member of the Board for further instructions.